We were conservative before it was cool!
What we believe:
*Individual Liberty
*Fiscal Responsibility
*Local Governance
*Religious Freedom
*Inalienable Rights
*Right To Self Defense
*Equal Rights Under The Law
*Limited Government
*Free Markets
*Moral Purpose
*Protection of the Sanctity of Life
*Enforcement Immigration Laws
*Create efficient private and public insurance options
*Support police & law and order
*Reduce restrictive job and economy regulatoins
*Lower taxes
*Work toward clean energy/balance conservationwith development of natural resources
*Appoint judges who will follow the law and Constitution
Helpful Links
Parker County Republican Women
PCRW Facebook Page
SOS Voter Registration
Parker County Elections Office
Keep Parker County Great Facebook Page
Love of
God- Family-Friends-Country-Community
& The U.S. Constitution
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